A selection of some of the Spring flowers and plants taken in March. The weather has been hot and sunny lately which comes as a great relief after our long dark and rainy winter. So nice to be able to sit in the sun again and be outside walking. For this post I thought it would be good to have a closer look at some of the goings on at this time of year; nature comes back alive again with its showers of colour and flowers are seemingly thrown across the ground like stars. Some of these flowers are very tiny indeed but it is nice for a short sighted person like myself to get close to the hedges and stuff and have a good rummage. I have a bit of interesting news in that some of my photos might be published in a book of natural history of the area later on in the year. It would be nice to see some of the photos in print and I get to say that I'm a published photographer, which will make me look like I'm something proper for a change. Cheers for now.