Wednesday, December 10, 2008

winter light


  1. Very nice! You really got the "Norway effect" there. You tell us exactly what that light does. I am drawn to the last one especially.

    Thank you.

  2. Yes we've had some good frosts here lately though this morning we wake up to three foot floods in Devon and warnings not to travel, we had torrential rain here all evening and night. I'm glad you are enjoying the photo's, i've been out exploring new places recently and hope to get some photo's up soon, it's a small but complex landscape around here so good for endless exploration. Are you still finding enough time to paint? So much to do and so little time I find, though the creative impulse is very difficult to turn off and nags at me with a nice persistence.

    Thanks Nina and cheers for now.

  3. John, what's going on here? I seem to be collecting these. Good thing I'm getting a bigger hard drive. Meanwhile I'm stuck for choice on the next desktop. Hmm... the second one I think. Interesting lines. It almost swirls if you look at it long enough. Thanks mate.

  4. Cheers nobody

    That's odd, i've got a big pile of them too, I don't know what to do about it. Maybe if we collect enough of them we can get the free album to put them in, I hope so.

    The leaves were undisturbed until I started galumphing about though I was lying down when I took the second one, easy with the steep hills.

    I leaned on a tree the other week and it broke into three pieces and fell over, it's a bloody jungle out there. Glad you enjoy, or is that share and enjoy?


  5. actually it looks as if i was sitting down. It's probably not important.

  6. If I keep putting my own comments down I might be able to get to a hundred.

  7. Maybe that's how we get the free album? God, those were the days weren't they? Pestering your parents and uncles for those cards and then dreaming of the album. I never did actually get one.

    Anyway here I am doing my bit. What are we up to now? Seven? Only 93 to go. Bloody hell. Well, never mind. We didn't really want that album did we?

  8. No, I don't want the album really.

    Those were the days my friend. I thought they'd never end but thanks to the irresistable march of progress we now live in a bright, shiny future. For instance I commute to work by jet pack and have regular holidays on the moon, things i'd never have dreamt of when I was young.

  9. It doesn't feel like there is enough time to paint this month. And it does gnaw on me, like you say, the urge is omnipresent. I write it off to a few things beyond my control, not enough daylight, too much fire tending/gathering/ashes-shoveling and thinking of big visuals while being out of big paper. These things shall pass. At some point, the urge overrides my excuses.
    Your landscape seems a complete ecosystem unto itself. How exciting you are there to be a part of it!

  10. Ha ha ha ha. It's fantastic isn't it? I can't afford those things myself. But with a bit of alfoil, some toilet roll tubes and a bit of silver paint and glitter, I've made myself a marvellous Space Hat. I am the envy of the whole town.

    And c'arn Nina. If it's alright for people to hassle me when I don't write anything, then fairs-fair that I can hassle you for not painting. If you find the stress getting to you, I have a mantra that you can borrow.

    Repeat after me - AAAAAARRRRRGGGGGHHHHH!

  11. Did I ever hassle you about not writing?

    Thanks for the mantra. You think it will put more hours into the short winter days?

  12. It's tricky painting when there's no light, it's getting dark here at just after four o clock in the afternoon and I live in the south of this country. I'm keeping warm at the moment by practising my shoe throwing, I can hit a carboard blair facsimile at 30ft though getting the shoes back is a problem. I can see it catching on though.

  13. One of the things that I like here is that there are a lot of remnants of the earlier tinkerings with the landscape, some of the smaller stuff is better revealed in the winter when the woods become clearer.

  14. I've been dreaming of a shoe trabuchet. Ocky straps and 3x2. If only I had a workshop...

    And no Nina, it wasn't you. I was just employing the old 'if they all did it why can't I' approach. For comedic value only of course.

  15. I must get round to putting some more photo's up, sorry folks.


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