Friday, April 29, 2011

cliff top drama

More startling and unexpected developments as reported by a trusty local newspaper.

Looking at the photographs of the devastation caused by the tornadoes in America I thought how eerily similar they looked to the Japanese photographs. Houses shredded, trees stripped but still standing and all the upturned cars, people sifting through the remnants of their destroyed property, fires burning.

Watching the youtube footage of the Japanese reporter driving around Fukushima with a geiger counter was like having a science fiction disaster movie become real. The abandoned animals roaming around, the vegetable plots growing what appears to be normal looking food and all the while the increasing click of the counter. Apart from the absence of people the place looked just like any normal town anywhere and I thought how easily this could be my own town. Things that used to look a long way off now seem to be much closer and what was once a distant land appears somehow familiar. There seems to be an enormous amount of earthquake activity around the world lately.

I am woken from a deep sleep this morning by the sound of a bird fluttering its wings very close to me. There isn't a bird in the room so it must have been just outside the window, but I am awake now and the telephone rings almost immediately. We have had plenty of bad news lately from all sorts of different directions but we try to help and support each other the best we can, as all circumstances can change so suddenly.


  1. my friend,

    so many crash landings happening right now.
    we are needing to real eyes a lot at the moment, and to help others find insights that will enable them to transcend the obvious scenario.

    i looked at the footage, with the geiger records revealing information which had absolutely no effect on the cows, dogs, plants.
    they just carried on cowing, dogging, growing.
    and despite the seeming horror of the area - in the absence of humanity it had the most beautiful quality.

    we had our first snows on the mountains recently.
    gave up on the tent for now.
    winds too strong.
    air too cold.

    sending you much love john, much joy and much love.

  2. Hi su

    Like Pripyat the time seems to stand still and the place is given back to nature to sort out, but yes there is a beauty in the absence.

    I wondered how the tent was going. The trouble with strong winds seems to be that you won't get much rest in them. People sleep outside all the year round here but it's no picnic in the winter and not really to be recommended.

    My good friend The Maids' father died the other day after a short illness, we've had a bit of a run on this lately. He had a good long life and did much but I will miss his banter and stories and also his generous supply of Marlboros.

    Much love to you too, friend su.

  3. My condolences to the maid, John. I hope she and you are well.

  4. Thanks nobody. I will pass on your condolences, she's ok but it's a stressful time with much to do and sort out.

    I'm just hearing on the radio the unlikely news that bin laden has been killed. My first reaction is why couldn't they arrest him and put him on trial and why burial at sea? There's a conspicuous lack of proof or evidence here.

  5. So this is either a distraction or a precursor for an al qaeda 'style' attack of some sort.


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