Thursday, September 27, 2012
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Tuesday, September 04, 2012
the new view from higher peak
Apologies for the late return but the wheels keep falling off the life that I'm driving around. You know the sort of thing - illness (the english disease - no not that one, the other one - bad teeth) and various other spanners that have been thrown in my general direction lately. I'm sure you know what I mean - you're probably getting it as much as me, but then again how can I know this? For all I know your life might be one long unbroken stretch of good fortune and bliss, in which case I say good for you you lucky luckster and can you lend me a tenner please? Anyway here is Higher Peak Hill, recently denuded of trees, as promised a moon or two ago, and what a lovely bald shape it is too. This hill is actually an old hill fort that was made about six thousand years ago by some people who have since gone missing, and half of which has now fallen into the sea. There's a new dig going on up there soon and I might wander up for a chat with them at some point. Follow me now and we shall pop up there and take a look at the new and improved view.
Ah yes, there it all is and very nice. The pointy bit in the far distance is Berry Head at Brixham. Brixham being one of the lovely holiday destinations of my ancient youth, and what a splendid time we had at Sharkham Point Caravan Park, long gone now I think, in fact I have very happy memories of staying in many caravans on holiday, one of the reasons that I refuse to see caravan parks as an eyesore as some would have them and I still, on rare occasion, thrill to the sound of rain battering the flip out of a tin roof. What a lovely racket. The much anticipated annual holiday was by far the best thing that happened to us all year and has left me with an abiding love of the south west of England. (other nice places are available) To beat congestion on the roads my Dad would get us all up at about three in the morning to set off. It did actually take a ridiculously long time to drive to Devon and Cornwall in the days before the motorways were built and setting off in the middle of the night added to the fun anyway.
It's quite a squinty sort of day today and it's quite difficult to see the horizon clearly looking into the sun. Dartmoor's out there somewhere but it too pale. I was going to try to work out if there were any noticeable alignments visible from here but it's not really the right sort of light. I'll take a load of photos and have a closer look later. Nope can't see anything obvious. Not to worry. Here's a view of the way back down. The quickest way is to go straight down the red stuff and along the beach but I prefer the less death inducing route, which means walking round the top and slowly descending. It's a nice walk actually. See you soon.
Ah yes, there it all is and very nice. The pointy bit in the far distance is Berry Head at Brixham. Brixham being one of the lovely holiday destinations of my ancient youth, and what a splendid time we had at Sharkham Point Caravan Park, long gone now I think, in fact I have very happy memories of staying in many caravans on holiday, one of the reasons that I refuse to see caravan parks as an eyesore as some would have them and I still, on rare occasion, thrill to the sound of rain battering the flip out of a tin roof. What a lovely racket. The much anticipated annual holiday was by far the best thing that happened to us all year and has left me with an abiding love of the south west of England. (other nice places are available) To beat congestion on the roads my Dad would get us all up at about three in the morning to set off. It did actually take a ridiculously long time to drive to Devon and Cornwall in the days before the motorways were built and setting off in the middle of the night added to the fun anyway.
It's quite a squinty sort of day today and it's quite difficult to see the horizon clearly looking into the sun. Dartmoor's out there somewhere but it too pale. I was going to try to work out if there were any noticeable alignments visible from here but it's not really the right sort of light. I'll take a load of photos and have a closer look later. Nope can't see anything obvious. Not to worry. Here's a view of the way back down. The quickest way is to go straight down the red stuff and along the beach but I prefer the less death inducing route, which means walking round the top and slowly descending. It's a nice walk actually. See you soon.