Tuesday, September 04, 2012

the new view from higher peak

Apologies for the late return but the wheels keep falling off the life that I'm driving around. You know the sort of thing - illness (the english disease - no not that one, the other one - bad teeth) and various other spanners that have been thrown in my general direction lately. I'm sure you know what I mean - you're probably getting it as much as me, but then again how can I know this? For all I know your life might be one long unbroken stretch of good fortune and bliss, in which case I say good for you you lucky luckster and can you lend me a tenner please? Anyway here is Higher Peak Hill, recently denuded of trees, as promised a moon or two ago, and what a lovely bald shape it is too. This hill is actually an old hill fort that was made about six thousand years ago by some people who have since gone missing, and half of which has now fallen into the sea. There's a new dig going on up there soon and I might wander up for a chat with them at some point. Follow me now and we shall pop up there and take a look at the new and improved view.

Ah yes, there it all is and very nice. The pointy bit in the far distance is Berry Head at Brixham. Brixham being one of the lovely holiday destinations of my ancient youth, and what a splendid time we had at Sharkham Point Caravan Park, long gone now I think, in fact I have very happy memories of staying in many caravans on holiday, one of the reasons that I refuse to see caravan parks as an eyesore as some would have them and I still, on rare occasion, thrill to the sound of rain battering the flip out of a tin roof. What a lovely racket. The much anticipated annual holiday was by far the best thing that happened to us all year and has left me with an abiding love of the south west of England. (other nice places are available) To beat congestion on the roads my Dad would get us all up at about three in the morning to set off. It did actually take a ridiculously long time to drive to Devon and Cornwall in the days before the motorways were built and setting off in the middle of the night added to the fun anyway.

It's quite a squinty sort of day today and it's quite difficult to see the horizon clearly looking into the sun. Dartmoor's out there somewhere but it too pale. I was going to try to work out if there were any noticeable alignments visible from here but it's not really the right sort of light. I'll take a load of photos and have a closer look later. Nope can't see anything obvious. Not to worry. Here's a view of the way back down. The quickest way is to go straight down the red stuff and along the beach but I prefer the less death inducing route, which means walking round the top and slowly descending. It's a nice walk actually. See you soon.


  1. Hi John, what splendid pics :) i could roll down that hill like i was a kid again, but i'd probably break bones now doing it...
    and the luck thing???
    " If it wasn't for bad luck, i wouldn't have no luck at all"...i think that's from born under a bad sign by cream...
    i got bitten/attacked on my right forearm by my own dog a few weeks ago, and had 11 stiches..which then preceded to get infected..so i have now a slow healing hole in my arm which has to get dressed every couple a days...had to put the poor doggy down, he went nuts after being bit by a snake (here in tropical OZ the snakes are not the friendly kind) and dog bites and infections are good mates..so i've also had my turn ( all too common actually)Celebrated my 44th year and two days later i was bitten.. what an omen for the comming year.
    Yes and the bloody teeth..i hear you...Hope all is good..
    Cheers A13

  2. Hi A13 and thanks very much and oh goodness poor you! Having had to put a much loved cat down a few years ago I know how awful and upsetting it is, one of the worst things but part of the responsibility of looking after them I suppose :(

    The teeth thing has been going on seemingly for ever, according to my Mum I had my first abscess at 18 months, but doesn't get any easier to bear does it? Another tooth gone (good riddance) and it is nice to be able to eat and sleep again. I hope your arm heals and that you're well again soon. Let's hope our luck changes at some point eh? All the best to you and belated happy birthday too!

  3. The hills are very good for rolling down as long as one doesn't get too near to the cliffs.

  4. Dr. Johnson proves you're never too old to roll.

    AFTER breakfast we walked to the top of a very steep hill behind the house. When we arrived at the summit, Mr. Langton said,

    `Poor dear Dr. Johnson, when he came to this spot, turned back to look down the hill, and said he was determined "to take a roll down". When we understood what he meant to do, we endeavoured to dissuade him; but he was resolute, saying, "he had not had a roll for a long time"; and taking out of his lesser pockets whatever might be in them — keys, pencil, purse, or pen-knife — and laying himself parallel with the edge of the hill, he actually descended, turning himself over and over, till he came to the bottom.'

  5. love the rolling story!!!It is very flat where i live, no rolling about here except for the occasional smoke :) but that hill looks rollable for sure, and i recon if i ever visit such a place even in my advancing years, i'd give it a shot...i used to love to roll down hills, and jump down sandhills as a kid..
    good luck to you as well with the abcess..yes, we need some good luck and some peace :)
    Cheers A

  6. I'd miss the hills. Devon's very good on them and they do peter out somewhat to the east of here, in fact the further east you go the flatter it seems to get. As we learn in geography at school there is a Tees/Exe line, where all of the hills are roughly to the west of a line drawn between the River Tees and the River Exe.

    I have a feeling that my teeth are really telling me to give up smoking :( best of luck with the arm and peace to you too. Cheers.

  7. I follow you because even though you don't live near me some how you're taking pictures of where I live... I can take you to that lane, I'll show you those trees, but I can't because we don't live near each other

    that last picture is near perfect, I have to admit that I agree with those that say people take pictures because they can't paint, a camera is no more than paints or brushes, just a tool to get an end result & I genuinely dislike set up pictures, like those on a "photo shoot" where they use props & lights & all kinds of tricks but I'm finding it difficult to say where the picture ends & the painting begins & best of all it's just a picture it's not as if you moved the rocks to the left or pushed the houses to the right or added a few trees to the background even pushed the sun over to get better light, I've never said it before but that picture is a painting

  8. Hi dognamedblue and thanks. It's satisfying when the landscape presents a solid natural balanced image, sometimes it's just a case of framing it appropriately and there can be a bit of an art to this. I have two main types of photograph and they are the wow images and the images that move a story along. I often think it would be good to just let the images talk for themselves and I chop and change over how much I like writing. Thanks again and all the best to you there.

  9. Beautifull green hills ........it seems nice place to walk John ,i can think about fresh healthy air right there ,in my country you can see these view at the coastal region also you can find many green fields and farms there ,i like the greenhouses that farmers use them to plant their vegetables .Two years ago i've got a trip there , it was nice ,in my town most the hills are brown ,there's a small one full of pine trees ,it's called Al Oze ...

    All your photos are nice and i've enjoyed them ,i want to get a trip for your country one day ...hope... well if i've got much much money ... have good time ..

  10. Hi and cheers Reem, it's always nice to see you here around the blog. It's very good to be able to get out and walk the hills here, they are such quiet places and the views are good, both near and far. I very much enjoy the sound of the wind through the pine trees that we have on top of the hills. There has been so much rain here this summer that everything is still green, whereas the grass would normally be golden by now. The air has cooled and the wind smells of autumn now, some leaves are already down. The evenings are darker earlier now and the seasons change again. Traveling to see other countries is something I would like to do too, there is so much to see, and it would be great to experience these places in person. One day I hope. All the best to you where you are Reem and thanks again.


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