Thursday, March 14, 2013

timelapse film 13/03/13


  1. John, this is wonderful!
    Much gratitude.

  2. billowing clouds
    fingers of light
    a sailors delight

    Hope all is well and the winter is giving way
    Great to see your films
    as always

  3. Very eerie, with the musicc. I imagined that the 2 people walking on their beach had lost their camera :)


  4. Cheers and thanks Nina. I enjoy making the timelapse films, it gives me a good amount of time on the beach which I think makes you experience the place in a slightly different way than a walk, though I was pottering around a bit picking up wood to use for kindling. It's a good place to watch the weather rolling by. Hope all is good where you are.

  5. Hi A13 and nice one for the haiku. Our seasons fluctuate between cold winter and more springlike conditions so we're never quite sure what's happening at the moment. The winter has been long and last year we just had a rain all summer so we're hoping for a better year this year. We'll wait and see. Thanks again.

  6. Thanks aferrismoon. The music is something that I have been working on using Audacity which is such a good free program. There's all sorts of layering here with much of the sound slowed down a lot.

    Those two were quite funny really, they walked as far as where I was pointing the camera and stopped to have a bit of a chat for a few minutes and then walked back again. These mile long beached just aren't big enough sometimes. Cheers for now.


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