Monday, May 13, 2013



  1. Looks so good i can smell it!!!
    and feel the temp...
    juicy :)

    Hope things are well for you and yours..
    we'ave had a nasty flu bug thing, but on the mend now...finally!

    hope you get some sunny daze and happy days..


  2. Cheers A13.

    The air here is wonderful and I attempt to get as much of the coastal stuff into my lungs as I'm able, it's good stuff. The weather on the other hand has been awful. Yesterday we had gales and an inch of rain falling steadily all day with temperatures down to about 8 with even snow threatening in a few places. It's raining here again now.

    We're very much hoping that we are not in for a repeat of last years weather. Spring is already two to three weeks behind what it should be. The wind yesterday was blowing the blossom off the apple trees. The bees haven't had time to pollinate these trees yet. Last year what apples we did have were blown off the trees during a storm in June. I know people from the UK have always moaned about the weather but last year was remarkably atrocious.

    Sorry to hear that you've all been ill but glad to hear you're on the mend now. I hope the weather has been a bit kinder to you there too, I must admit I haven't seen what the weather in Australia has been doing lately. Good luck with it all, onwards and up and all that.

  3. My Mother informs me that there was a couple of inches of snow on Dartmoor last night.

  4. Sacre Bleu!

    Re: Snow in Dartmoor

    In Czech Rep. the 12th, 13th and 14th are 3 days known as the 3 Frozen Men [ Pankrac, Sevac & Bonifac]. On cue the temp dropped this year a few degrees on the 12th and wer a few degrees higher on the 15th. Hva echecked it for the past few year and it has done it every time.

    Todd McLellan - Things Come Apart [ fotography that might interest you.


  5. Cheers aferrismoon. The blue is quite something isn't it? I like it when such an image presents itself. The Three Frozen Men eh? That's interesting, also that it's regular like that. The weather bounced again yesterday and was almost too hot to sit in here, today we have a perfect evening so I had a good slow potter up the river and wonderful it all looks and so fresh. Thanks for the link I will have a look in a bit. Hope all is good there.

  6. Hey john :)
    Guess what????
    I've given up smoking....nearly 4...yes 4 weeks since i had my last fag.
    what an effort..i'm going mad though, really, and am drinking more than usual to compensate ;)
    but i saw this and thought of you...
    1980 super8 timelapse film.

    and this

    "mall mania" 1990 timelapse of a mall in the, just wow..
    no mobile fonz, no bizare fashions or orange skinned looking and acting like kids..fuck, it looks like the future ;) not like now how we have soooo regressed into the present..
    and no, i've had no wine yet today either.

    You need to check them out, and you too aferris if you come back :)
    many regards A

  7. Thanks A. The 1980 film was more surprising to me in that it almost looks like another planet. People generally look a lot thinner then, so whatever changed in the American diet seems to have happened since 1980. The second film from 1990 is interesting for how 'normal' people look. It seems to be a hot place and time, so this might be reflected in the large amount of pale clothing on show. I think 1990 might have appeared a bit stranger here, as it was the beginning of the rave culture where all sorts of weirdness prevailed. That wasn't in the malls though. Lovely to see people getting on with their lives perfectly well without mobile phones, Ipods, computers etc.

  8. Giving up smoking is great so I hope you stick with it A13. I've given up a number of times with varying degrees of success. Well actually I've always started again so not that successful really. I gave up for nine months once, though I found drinking alcohol by far the hardest part.

    We have sun here and you can sit outside in it!

  9. "We have sun here and you can sit outside in it!"

    how does that feel ?? lol
    those videos are like from another planet, 1980, but sad is the fact that i remember it so well ;)and am mourning the present and the future for my kids..
    Yes, there has been something done with chemicals, pollution, food additives, hormones and other endocrine disruptor stuff etc
    The way our society has progressively degraded and how the human body has reflected this. So bloody sad.
    I thought, that back in 1980, we were entering an exciting phase in humanity and what the future would hold, but now we are in that future, it's very regressed and dark.
    part of the human being has been fucked with and we are devolving into something sad.You can see how much just general, normal people have fundamentally changed.
    Yep, no smoking..i've killed it.
    Cheers mate A

  10. Also in the 1980 video most of the people look happy. 1980 I remember quite well. I don't remember being very optimistic but then I was a bit gloomy in outlook. I couldn't work out why so much seemed so awful and thought that we could have a much better world. It was a time of mass unemployment and depression here. Thatcher got in and we then had a war with Argentina. In my naivete I thought that wars were a thing of the past and couldn't believe it was happening. I was also revolted by the flag waving and whipped up public support for it all. The Argentinians were thoroughly demonised in the press but I already knew that their music was very beautiful and any nation which produced such culture and beauty couldn't be as they were being portrayed. A useful lesson but I parted company with public sentiment. In my eyes Thatcher and the tories went on to destroy much of what was good about this country.

  11. It's odd though. In many ways things are very much worse for people these days but I see young people carrying on as if they haven't a care in the world. It gives me encouragement, as life is always uncertain and it is good to laugh and enjoy the sun in our brief moment.


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