Tuesday, June 06, 2017

The Green Wave


aferrismoon said...

Hi JOhn

Hurrah for hedgreows!

Been collecting elderflower, makes a great cordial. Worth a go.


john said...

Cheers aferrismoon. Nice to see you around. I haven't tried collecting myself, though I have a friend who used to make a lot of cider and now makes elderflower champagne, as well as cordial and very nice it is too! Maybe I'll try to make the cordial sometime. I'd like to have a go. Plenty of flowers around at the moment. Cheers.

aferrismoon said...

HI John

It's very easy or I probably wouldn't have tried myself. Leave it in the sunlight so that it makes small bubbles, beginning of fermentation process, and then whisk it off to the fridge before it ferments for real.


john said...

Thanks. I should give it a go shouldn't I?

john said...

And well done for the one sentence recipe. very good.

aferrismoon said...

That one-sentence-recipe comes after pouring boiling water of the flowerheads and leaving them overnight pripor to boiling them yp sans flowerheads but with addition of sugar and lemon and then letting it cool down before decanting into the bottles of some description, cheers

john said...

Ah, I see. There it all is then. Thanks