Wednesday, December 12, 2012

cald holt forhwega


  1. Ic þancie þē, nán. hǽl ábéodan

    I'm not keeping this up all night.

  2. Now that looks ball tearingly cold..
    even though i'm hot as hell in the tropics..i can feel my toes start to get cold loooking at those images..
    i'm used to the heat but many years ago i travelled to the Netherlands and experienced ball tearing col;dness and that is what it looked that's what i recon..even in reality sans balls..
    it's warmer when it snows..rather than the ice and frost...but hell..i cannot even smell jaegermeister without having a mini heave now after those times back
    you have captured the remote stiilness and permanence of the frost and ice ascending , the slowmotion into the winter..
    love it and i''l be back :)
    Cheers john

  3. Cheers A13 and thanks. It gets very cold in the Netherlands from what I've heard.

    It was pretty nippy when I took these and the sun was just about to set so it was getting colder. They were taken at the top of the hill on Tuesday. It's good to get down from there and out of the woods before it gets dark, as it's not a place for stumbling about in then. I was lucky to catch these though. Cheers for now.

  4. Hey John, Merry Christmas :)
    Hope you and you family are having a nice time and staying comfy and safe in the weather there!
    Lots of blessings, love and peace to you for the new year..
    Prost and cheers my friend!!
    regards and respect Ad :)

    I'd shout you one if i were there!!

  5. Cheers A13 and Merry Christmas to you and yours too! Floods all around the place but all ok here thanks. All the best to you for next year!

  6. Happy New Year John!!!
    Gee I do hope your finger is on the mend xxxx0000 How did you do it??
    and the camera??? well what can i say, I've been watching out for a new post here so anyway, i really hope you can get it fixed soon..what about posting up something anyway??like some old pics??
    just dropping in to wish you and your family a very Happy New year
    Love from us down under..where it's already new years day and the cricket is about to start!!

  7. John!!

    Did I see a young girl with a red cape in some of those pics?
    On her way to Grandmothers house?
    Of course I love the woods
    We were just in the woods yesterday, and a big buck watched us up in the hills, we could see him against the snow
    A real beauty
    Then he took off, up the hills sort of springing or bounding up the hill
    Pretty awesome, no not pretty awesome, dam awesome

    Happy New Year to you and yours John

  8. Happy New Year A13! I cut the end of my finger off trying to chop vegetables too quickly, nothing as bad as nobodys accident, but still tricky as it turns out that a lot of things that one does in a day tend to involve using your hands quite a bit. Who would have thought it eh?

    I'm taking the camera in tomorrow to get it mended. It feels odd going out without my camera as I have taken it everywhere for about the last five years but yes I might put some older photos up as I sometimes don't always get round to posting a lot. Hope all good where you are!

  9. Hello there Penny! Like the girl in red I have often wandered off the path in the woods but I do it to find other paths and these other paths have led to all sorts of interesting discoveries.

    It is great to see the deer in the woods isn't it? I was walking in the woods with two friends on a very quiet path and two deer suddenly crashed down the hill and ran in front of us, so close that we could have almost touched them. these things happen so quickly sometimes that it is only afterwards that you realise how special it was. I'm glad you are out enjoying your woods, the peace fresh air and nature recharge us in some way I think.

    Happy New Year to you and yours Penny. All the best to you.

  10. Hope both finger and camera are as good [ or better ] than new in 2013.

    These photos are primo, the blue and the damp


  11. Cheers and thanks aferrismoon. I took the camera back to the shop where I bought it and explained exactly what was wrong with it and how to mend it but the man in the shop said I could send it off for a diagnostic, price £20. I repeated that I knew what was wrong with it and he told me that they don't just fix the thing that's wrong but I could have it fully serviced for £160. The original price of the camera was £300 second hand. Price of new camera body at the moment £260. I have bought a tiny screwdriver and will attempt to fix it myself now, nothing to lose really! Cheers.


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