Sunday, January 06, 2013

purple reign

These are the photographs I was taking when my camera decided to stop working. The camera was fine but then an unfamiliar error message came up informing me that I was going to have to spend about £300. I took it back to the shop explaining exactly what was wrong and they wanted £160 to fix it, not really worth it on a four year old £300 camera. I tried mending it myself but could only remove three out of the eight tiny screws that held the underside cover, so I couldn't remove it and have a tinker. The camera has been regularly covered in sea spray and rain for the last four years, so I suppose that I've had a good run on it for the money and I have heard of  DSLRs conking out after only about two or three years. Some of the Nikons cost up to about five grand each, so my replacement body at £260 isn't too bad of an investment.

I had an interesting day out last week finding myself unexpectedly having to be driven to the other side of Crediton to shovel horse shit for somebody. Knowing the area quite well I navigated us down some lanes for a shortcut and was very surprised to see how dreadful the damage has been in the last year. Continual rain has caused the lanes to subside, erode and wash away completely in places and all are covered in the most alarming of potholes. I've never seen them in a state anything like this before.

On the way back my driving companion had to make a detour to a scrapyard in a place that I used to live in but haven't been back to for about 18 years, I lived there for about three years. Almost nothing had changed and I found the experience mildly disturbing. There's an odd feeling of spookiness and dislocation, almost as if you're a ghost and you're haunting the place yourself, or somehow floating in a memory made real again. Not only did it seem peculiar that nothing had changed  but it also felt a bit like the intervening years hadn't actually happened at all, and I was just somehow back there again as it was before. All very odd and certainly not worth doing very often.

The weather here today is dark flat and drizzly with intermittent fog and it will be dark at about 4:30. Anyway I'll be back to taking pictures as soon as I'm able. The news is as dreadful as it usually is. I'm sure you've seen it. There's been proof and demonstration if any were ever needed that the people at the top are very powerful paedophiles who have control over the media, law etc. The police have so far arrested a few aging minor celebrities as a distraction for the public, it's rubbish really. I had my hopes up a few years back when the haute de la garrene stuff came out, only to see the victim statements ignored and some of the forensic evidence turn out to be a coconut. The media told us that there was nothing to see and it all had been a big mistake. So after that I didn't have my hopes up very high, but it's still encouraging to see so much being written on the internet, the place of information so disparaged and ignored by the MSM. Keep up the good work people, keep plugging away and we'll get these bastards somehow.


  1. Hello John

    I am glad that your camera has shot these pictures yet.
    Before she broke.
    Very impressive!

    Bastards ...
    In the last decade, a lot of truth came to light.
    I have sometimes big problems with the new knowledge.
    Should I do something?
    But what ...?
    I really do not know

    I wish you beautiful days

  2. Hello John ,not bad result after that problem in your camera ,i like these purple waves ,rarely to see them here ,the beach is quite most the time's interesting to back where you lived for a time ,you will remember many things that you have done and liked ...I've spent two years in Damascus to study and they were great ,and very nice place that i want back to again ....It was cold day here and windy too ,but no rain untill now .....all the best for you .....

  3. Hullo Patrick and thanks. Apologies for not getting back here sooner, for some reason I couldn't see these comments. I have a new camera now and have been out familiarising myself with it. I had a very cold walk across the commons in a freezing wind and snow flurries. I took photos of the trees and landscape up there, got them home and none of the cold is visible in any way in the pictures. It's funny what comes out and what doesn't sometimes.

    It is difficult to know what to do with the the knowledge of things we have found out, but at least we are aware of much that would have been hidden from us for so many years. I hope that the more people become aware of these things the more possibility for change there might be. I think the information coming to light now has these people on the back foot for a change, the stuff that's happened can no longer be hidden. This is a good thing at least.

  4. Cheers Reem and many thanks. I've never seen the lighting conditions like this before. It was just a rare combination of low winter sun, storm clouds and atmosphere. It was good though and like a lot of these conditions only lasted for about five minutes. This is what makes getting photos of it quite satisfying, there was no camera trickery or photoshop involved, just an unusual lighting occurrence.

    Studying in Damascus must have been an interesting time for you Reem and yes it is nice to go back to these places sometimes, there are a lot of memories brought back. All the best to you and yours Reem.

  5. Hello John

    no problem
    I saw your answer. (-;
    You're right, there is hope.
    But there are days when I do not see it as good
    I wish you much joy with your new camera.
    I will like to see the results

    best regards


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