Just a quick note to say that the former UK Ambassador to the Central Asian Republic of Uzbekistan, Craig Murray, is giving away his latest book "The Catholic Orangemen of Togo and Other Conflicts I Have Known" for free here
http://www.craigmurray.org.uk/index.html mainly due to his publishers backing off because of legal threats. If you have some time to read a book at the moment go to his website and scroll down to the entry FREEDOM OF SPEECH - FOR FREE where there is a link to cryptome.org. It only takes a couple of seconds to download and promises to be a very good read. I read his first book "Murder in Samarkand" and it was interesting to see how he got stitched up by our government and also some of the other things they get up to. There are also other places to download it from in his comments. His blog is always well worth a look and I think he is a very brave man indeed. Here is a review:
http://www.craigmurray.org.uk/index.html mainly due to his publishers backing off because of legal threats. If you have some time to read a book at the moment go to his website and scroll down to the entry FREEDOM OF SPEECH - FOR FREE where there is a link to cryptome.org. It only takes a couple of seconds to download and promises to be a very good read. I read his first book "Murder in Samarkand" and it was interesting to see how he got stitched up by our government and also some of the other things they get up to. There are also other places to download it from in his comments. His blog is always well worth a look and I think he is a very brave man indeed. Here is a review:
Craig Murray's adventures in Africa from 1997 to 2001 are a rollicking good read. He exposes for the first time the full truth about the "Arms to Africa" affair which was the first major scandal of the Blair Years. He lays bare the sordid facts about British mercenary involvement in Africa and its motives. This is at heart an extraordinary account of Craig Murray's work in negotiating peace with the murderous rebels of Sierra Leone, and in acting as the midwife of Ghanaian democracy. Clearly his efforts were not only difficult but at times very dangerous indeed. Yet the story is told with great humour. Not only do we meet Charles Taylor, Olusegun Obasanjo, Jerry Rawlings and Foday Sankoh, but there are unexpected encounters with others including Roger Moore, Jamie Theakston and Bobby Charlton! Above all this book is about Africa. Craig Murray eschews the banal remedies of the left and right to share with us the deep knowledge and understanding that comes over 30 years working in or with Africa. Gems of wisdom and observation scatter the book, as does a deep sense of moral outrage at the consequences of centuries of European involvement: even though he explains that much of it was well-intentioned but disastrous.
Thanks John! I'm instantly a fan. It's always a treat to encounter someone who's not bullshit. And Murray is definitely that. Right up there with John Pilger.
Now to read the book!
John you rotter! Because of you I couldn't help myself and I've run amok in the comments at Craig Murray's blog. Don't try to wriggle out of it mate. It's your fault. I am, as ever, completely blameless.
Ha! My word verification is 'imess'. I sure do!
Ha ha, I'll have to pop over and have a look at those comments nobody, actually i'm looking forward to it. Also i'll point out that i'm not the "john" who comments there.
I worry about Craig, I don't think him printing his address very wise.
I'm reading Les' The Dark Splendor at the mo and am on chapter 8 and dark it is so far, I don't have a laptop so I sit at a desk and read which is not ideal but do-able, theres always so much to read and so few hours in the day to do it.
I don't know if anyone watches video on t'interweb but this guy is good, american and conspiracy news satire with a slight scottish accent. http://www.fknnewz.com/index.php
I just see that fknewz is linked on WRH so i'm 10 minutes behind the zeitgeist as usual! Good work on the Craig Murray site nobody.
Have no idea of what nobody is talking about as I'm to busy waiting for summer flowers.
Heh heh, I'm with Silver. Let's you and me go have a little drink of homebrew and talk about the joys of riding-mowers and deer sightings.
You don't know what I'm talking about?! Ha! You should see me! I can't make head nor tail of any of it.
or was it this?
Actually I shouldn't be up this time of the day and now i have to feed the neighbours cats breakfast.
commenting after lots of cider? Not a very good idea john.
Thank you for that link to the site book John. After a bit of searching, I found the free download of said book, and have read a few exerpts from it. I can't wait to get my printer working so I can print it up and read it properly!
Thanks again!
Kia ora from New Zealand
Well I have never done this before..so begins a new adventure. I am an artist who has just been given a three month sabbatical.. very fortunate! And I am trying to decide how to spent this beautiful opportunity. I am coming to Schumaucher College at the end of April and long ago while wandering in India I heard of Totnes so I thought perhaps now is the time to visit.
I am really wanting to spend time with other artisans, maybe work alongside some people or help out on a project I am still trying to figure it out really. I am a painter but have for a large part of life been involved in community work in NZ and largely in Asia. I am trying to draw the two together and I thought well Totnes maybe the place and when I typed Totnes art scene into the computer your name appeared. Please forgive this intrusion into your life and feel free to ignore this very random email. If you could throw me some possibilities I would be very grateful also.
With thanks Lynnemaree
Cheers Kia Ora
I've only just seen your comment here as I do not get alerted in any way when they go up, so I miss them unless I go back to check through my old postings so my apologies for being slow.
Off the top of my head I think you could try people at Dartington College of Arts which is near Totnes, there is a forum for students and others at this address
and there is the Totnes Arts Group Homepage who are involved in community arts and might be way of getting in touch with people locally
I am a bit further across Devon so I don't know Totnes that well but the people above might be able to help you out. Totnes is a lovely place and I'm sure you will have a great time there.
My email address is on my profile page which is linked on the front at the top where it says " view my complete profile" so if you would like to ask anything else, or you need to know anything about Devon please feel free to email me there.
cheers for now
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