I had some fun filming timelapse on the beach in August. First of all it was a long walk on a hot day which was also very windy. Dangerous weather for me on a beach as I am liable to get burnt to crisp. There isn't much possibility of shade or shelter what with it being cliffs on one side and sea the other but fortunately I made it to some large rocks and was able to shelter behind those for few hours while I pointed the camera up and down.
In the first shot the camera ended up being a bit closer to the incoming tide than I was hoping for, so I moved it and got the shot looking down the beach the other way. I still managed to get the camera and lens covered in spray being blown off the sea, as can be seen in the increasingly obscured shot. I really should look after my equipment better.
Photo number two is the moon rising in June I think. Yes it's a moon in June. The third photo was taken earlier this evening and shows the wind picking up nicely. Time to batten down the hatches by the look of it.
water circles
vibrant skys
eternal sense
of evers high
candle tips
earthly dreams
wandering essence
of livened beams
spiraling round
moving through
the living art
summers moon
windy tails
heavens charms
fill the motions
of warm and calm
sorry I missed the last one john,be honest I was a bit up and down,,
as usual brilliant pictures,I really love moon and sea and stuff good atmosphere,gets those old thinkings out for a stretching....
respects neil
Cheers Neil. Never worry about missing one or not commenting as there shouldn't be any pressure, though your comments are always most welcome. There's plenty to be up and down about, even the time of year here. The prospect of another winter doesn't seem to get any easier, for me at least. Still, I should try to use the time wisely, as it will all be gone one day and that day will seem all too soon when it comes.
Nice one for the poem. I think that's my favourite of yours here so far. It's nice to contemplate the summer at this time.
Cheers Neil and many thanks.
So.........beautiful .... i like your photos very much ,the dark blue see and the shining moon in the sky , i have never seen the moon near the sea , i used the mountains view the brown colour .
The trust ,innocence ,scrutiny ,prayer ........that is the meaning of blue ,i think it's very nice one .
In the second photo the sea seems gentle and quiet ,but in the third one it seems angry ,the both are amazing realy .
I wonder what do you think ,and what are your thoughts whene you walk on the beach ?????????
mybe you forget all bad things around us and enjoy the quietnees ,and the peace , i like to be there and take my tools and paint something .
Many thanks John for your photos .
Choukran Reem. I very much enjoy being close to the sea. I was born next to the coast and always feel happier living near the sea. Quite often we have the moon rise out of the sea though generally you don't actually see it come out of the sea as there is usually cloud or haze low down. We also get to see the sunrise out of the sea for some of the year, in the winter. I am hoping to get a longer lens for the camera which would be good to use for some of these more distant objects and landscapes.
The sea is always in flux and changes its mood continuously, often many times in the course of a day. The sea air alone is very good for clearing the head, it is so clean. I think of all sorts of stuff when walking on the beach though when I am taking photos I am very much concentrating on that and forget about everything else. It is like the forgetting that happens when you are involved in creating something and all other thoughts disappear, it is a nice state.
"trust, innocence, scrutiny and prayer" what a fascinating insight into the meaning and qualities of blue. That's very interesting Reem, many thanks for your careful thoughts.
All the best Reem and thanks again. I hope all is good where you are.
I like the rushing clouds, and the moon's movement across darkness a lot. the sky serves video so well, and vice versa of course. if I would have the chance to do video I'd go crazy with timelapses. wide angle lenses and climbing to rooftops to shoot the sky above the city. years ago when I had the chance to use a video camera I filmed small clips of static scenes, like photographs extended to few seconds, and tied them all together with some quality noise. very disintegrated indeed. sadly I have none of those films anymore.
Hullo John, sorry I'm so late in. Mate, I really like these pix. They're easily your best for ages. And yes, the time lapse are very nice. Except for those wonky horizons! Reminds me of being on a motorcycle. Makes me want to tilt my head.
But those two blue shots with the long shutter speed are really interesting. I like what long exposure does to spume and spray. Very nice.
Cheers P2P. It's good fun to experiment with timelapse. I use a very cheapish (£100) Samsung video camera. When comparing the features of video cameras I noticed that this one did timelapse so thought it would be the one for me. I did some timelapse back in the days of Super8 film cameras and have always wanted to get back to doing some. A wide angle lens would be very good for the sky stuff as this camera is quite selective in its narrow view. I like the sound of your films. Cheers and thanks.
Hi nobody. That's ok we all get busy with things and can't always be around all of the time. I expect you have plenty to do at the moment and I hope all the van stuff is going well. Yes, the horizons are quite difficult to get level, it's difficult to see the video screen on the back in sunlight and the camera has no viewfinder so its a bit hit and miss. I will try to get these better in the future.
I enjoy taking the long exposures, the third photo was taken just as it was getting dark so I was using between 8 and 10 seconds, it works nice and is interesting to do. Thanks and cheers for now.
I can feel your happiness through your photos John ,yes it's nice to be near the sea ,and for me i miss my mountains all the time ,whene i was fourteen i saw the sunrise out of the mountains ,the sun came out slowly as a beautiful rose and the lights were shining and the morning was so quiet ,i will never forget this view ,it's engraved in my mind .
You are right ,all thoughts around us will disappear if we do something that we like ,and i think you're lucky to get all these nice photos and places to enjoy walking there .So always get good time and let us enjoy your photos .Thank you .
Cheers Reem and many thanks. You always say the nicest of things. I am lucky to be able to walk in such nice places. Similar to your beloved mountains I have places I am unable to visit but I am happy for the memories of these places and the thought that they still exist out there. The beauty of nature is there for us if we can stop and take time to observe. I am looking forward to the winter sunrises and sunsets as they are often the most beautiful of the year. All the best to you Reem.
nobody I had another look at the timelapse and think I have them right after all. The sea around here actually tilts upwards slightly towards the horizon and that makes the horizon look a bit wonky, it's all to do with the difference in weight between the UK and France and the effect this has on the English Channel. Hopefully this will explain everything to your satisfaction.
Thanks John, until you said it I'd been labouring under a horrid misapprehension. Up until now, what with atlases here being very anglocentric, I was under the impression that the UK was bigger than Europe. But then I realised that it was simply on a page by itelf and isn't actually that large at all. In fact it's a good deal smaller than Europe. Who knew, eh? And of course that explains the horizon brilliantly. Thanks mate!
nobody, you're onto something there. in europe, finland really exemplifies how size mattes, what with all we've done for the world purely out of our sqms. the masters of space:
It's all very well having lovely sqms but can large amounts of money be made out of them? Here in the UK about five people own most of the land and they make sure they get plenty of huge European Subsidy lolly every year because they are such lovely people. Funnily enough they are the same sort of people who complain about benefit scroungers and the something for nothing society. It's a funny old world, at least it is here.
Nobody, do you not have a map of the world with Australia in the centre of it, all nice and big and with the rest of the world scattered around the periphery? That's the way we like them done here. (Not with Australia in the middle obviously).
I have an American atlas somewhere which shows that the world is mostly America, which to be fair is quite big. I think the UK was on page 97 in the bottom right hand corner. An oversight rather than an historical grudge probably. I was surprised to find that according to American history the second world war started in 1942.
It seems the Finnish people have a very accurate perception of personal and public space, good on them! I very much enjoy the spectacle of the queue. It is all very well worked out here. The other day I was enjoying being part of a queue waiting in the bus station. This queue for one bus became so long that it snaked along almost the whole length of the bus station, seriously impeding all movement. As we watched almost empty double deckers arrive and leave, our bus turned up. Yes a single decker. After filling this bus up they then realised that half the people couldn't get on, so they got everybody back of the bus and we waited again for a double decker to be brought round. A wonder of foresight and management I thought.
Hee Hee, that's how to wait at a bus stop. There's only a few places in Oz where people will line up for a bus. Wynyard station in Sydney mostly, it being so absurdly crowded. But everywhere else we just stand about and when the bus comes, we move towards it. It's all quite agreeable really. I detest queues.
As for Australia looking big on a map, that too is all a misconception. As I answered a friend of mine who recently asked if I could pick her up from Perth that it was no problem what with being only 3,950 km from Sydney. Such small distances make the calculations very easy: if she gets in just after lunch I'd have to leave Sydney mid-morning, eight days earlier. No problems.
Eight days! Good grief, couldn't you just try to drive a bit faster nobody? 3,950 km does sound like a great distance, you might find it shorter if you do it in miles. They might be considered unfashionable in some parts but I find them an elegant solution to the unfeasible largeness of distances in km.
Plenty of fun here with George Papandreou. His idea of having a referendum seems to have made him slightly unpopular. The thought that a hint of democracy could be breaking out has upset the banks and the merest whiff of any unpleasantness or inconvenience for them should of course be unthinkable.
I was enjoying the BBC not so much reporting the news as making it up out of wishful thinking. Earlier they were saying that it was expected he would announce his resignation this afternoon although he'd actually said he had no plans to do this. The BBC obviously knows his mind better than he does, the idiot.
Well John, given that the BBC's understanding of engineering and newtonian physics was well ahead of every engineering textbook ever written when they predicted the collapse of WTC7, their thoughts of papandreou come as no surprise.
Think about it - the collapse of building 7, the collapse of Papandreaou. All well within the genius Aunties capabilities.
Mind you, I think it would be a mistake to think that the Beeb is possessed of 'expertise' as such. What they possess isn't a penny-ante, this-and-that kind of knowledge so much as a 'if we say it is so, it is so' ability to make things true.
Which is quite impressive if you think about the implications, ie. it's the end of science! Fuck maths and all that stuff, now we just declare that a thing is so. Yay!
Finally the paradigm shift we've all been waiting for. Bugger Nicolas Tesla. Bring on the Bluebeam!
That seems to be the way it works nobody. I've recently been watching and listening to some new Judy Woods interviews and I don't care what people say, I remain impressed with her work. Her book looks very interesting.
She brought up a few more things I was unaware of, such as the unmentioned hurricane off the east coast of America that had been sat there for the duration of 911 and that useful calm clear morning. She also said that if people had gone to the trouble of organising this operation that they would also have a cover up plan in place which would include a controlled internet truth movement.
Anyway, I have to dash now. 911 remains a fascinating subject to me. Thinking of which when I was spending a good deal of time looking into it a few years ago I remember turning up quite a long piece about the fall of the twin towers that was written by a nobody. Was that you nobody? It was a few years ago.
She mentioned some other stuff, such as the description of people in the twin towers reporting that they were burning up with heat but were able to breath, so not due to proximity of fire but possible microwave. She also said that she had evidence that 1200 people had jumped from the towers but the only figure I can turn up is 200. She said that they also seemed to be exploding into pieces. I'll have to look into it.
Apologies for being a bit vague on this, I'll have to check some of the numbers and such as it's from memory.
Was it me? Perhaps not. I didn't start writing my blog until the end of 2007.
And as I've said before, DEW on 911 would have been classified as 'why not' as opposed to no-planes which would have been 'why bother?'.
Then there's a good chance that it wasn't you then nobody. I think it was a bit before 2007.
I have to find some entertainment on the internet to amuse The Maid with. She's on the sofa with her arms folded. I better look for a film or something. We watched that new David Attenborough program last night, the cold one. Lot's of good timelapse in there and they had nice level horizons too. cough cough.
Ha ha, I just watched it myself. And thought of you of course. I think where you went wrong with your time lapse horizons was in not having a support team, the best and most expensive gear, a lengthy time-frame and of course the appropriate budget to pay for it all. With just those four simple things I'm sure your horizons would have been no problems.
Extraordinary, Papandreou’s out. So the BBC were right after all and just wrong about the exact timing again. Greece has to do what the politicians in Brussels tell them whether they want to or not and fuck any pretense of democracy. Isn't this a coup of some sort? One of the people being promoted for possible leadership is Lucas Papademos, a former European Central Bank vice-president. I can't imagine any of this will go down well in Greece. There have been rumours for several weeks of foreign troops being in Greece as enforcers. Anyway, as before when the govt was suspended and the bailout went through, this is not an elected govt.
I enjoyed the 'making of' after the Attenborough program. What a fantastic roaring wind they were greeted with. What a welcome.
I wonder if Papandreou had to go tonight before The Markets open tomorrow?
Sorry John, I've been off the map, up at a mate's place in the country and missed it all.
Foreign troops in Greece? Here's where the new world order gets tricky. How do they explain foreign occupiers shooting at Greeks? And will a single meme work for all? For the rest of the world? For Greek people? For the Greek military?
I'm glad it's not my brief.
Hi nobody, that's ok, we've all got stuff to do and I hope you had a good time. Of course since I was writing this Berlusconi has been booted out. One reason I've heard given for this is that Italy needed a more stable govt. but Berlusconi has been the longest serving PM since WW2 so that doesn't make much sense to me.
Anyway on the foreign troops in Greece I have this from GolemXIV. As you can see they are not called troops but a police force with military status, so they are sold as a police force I suppose and they are just there to help etc.
"Did you know that the EU has its own riot police that can operate in any European country but is answerable directly to none of them? No I didn’t either.
They are called the European Gendarmerie Force (Eurogendfor) . They are based in Italy but funded and staffed by six signatory nations who are France, Italy, Holland, Spain, Portugal and Romania. However, according to the Treaty which established Eurogendfor they can operate in any EU country and are available to others who invite them to do so. The country which invites them in is refered to as the ‘Host’.
The Gendarmerie are specifically set up to deal with riots and civil unrest and as the treaty spells out they are to be
…exclusively comprising elements of police forces with military status
Here is a picture of the force. How many police forces or even riot police do you know who drill with bayonet?
The force is 3000 strong based in Italy composed of two rapid deployment brigades. Since Greece is not a member of Eurogendfor few if any of its troops/officers(?) will speak Greek. Yet they may now be operating in Greece. I have checked with friends in Athens and they tell me it is true.
I have also contacted – or tried to contact – Eurogendfor directly to double check the facts. However the email contact on their web site does not work. You can fill out the form but for the last 4 and a half hours when I press send I get this reply,
“Server is unable to send your request.Please try later”.
Should you phone the HQ directly, you will find an automated system. There is a Press Office option but it cycles you back to the main ‘Welcome” menu as does EVERY single other option as well. This has been how it is all day.
Thus is isn’t how it is over lunch this is just how it has been set up. In other words there is the facade of contact but the operational reality is “Piss Off you commoner!”
What does it say if it turns out ot be true that the Greek government has ‘invited’ a quasi military riot police made of personel from other nations to operate in Greece against its own citizens. Greek police not enough? Greek military not willing to crack heads? Got to get some foreigners to do it for you?
What exactly is the difference between Eurogendfor and any other mercenary force? The Greek government could ‘invite’ any private army in. No matter how you view the status of Eurogendfor, the reality is the Greek people did not vote in favour of joining it and certainly were not asked if they wanted foreign quasi military forces to be able to operate in Greece. If this story turns out to be true then it iouwld mean that the greek government that like all governments through history that have lost all legitimacy with its own people, eventually seek military support from outside forces with which to supress its own people. Once you view it like that the word tyranny eventually enters in. And that word has extremely serious consequences.
Let’s take a step back from this. The cuts in Greece are tied up intimately with bailing out French and German banks as well as the Greek owners of Greek banks. The Greek people have been demonstrating against the bail out for months. The Greek government has ignored its people and chosen to do the bidding of the EU elite, the IMF, the ECB and most of all the banks globally.
Now it is alleged that a non-Greek militarized riot force may have arrived to enforce austerity. Whose bidding would they really be doing? Whose interests would they be serving? Could it be the banks? Have the financial class now got their own riot police who they can ship to wherever the locals try to defy them and where the local police cannot be ‘trusted’ to serve the supra-national interests of the banks?
Of course this is not how Eurogendfor is set up. I know that. But is this how it actually works nevertheless?
I will continue to try to talk to anyone at all at Eurogendfor and let you know if they ever condescend to even accept an email or answer the phone. Don’t hold your breath. Who am I after all? Just a citizen and what does that count for these days?
Citizen? In the new order you’re either a bond holder or you’re a nobody."
I had not heard of the eurogendfor before now, but it was obvious a direction of development already three years ago when the constitution / lisbon treaty was going for the third round.
this blog has had an amazing amount of bad rap in the media in f-land, for reasons which are obvious in between the lines:
Like Greece, Italy are to get a new and unvoted for 'unity government' to allow a 'technical government' led by Mario Monti. A Yale graduate and economist, he is also the European Chairman of the Trilateral Commission, and member of the Bilderberg Group.
In 2010, upon charge of president Barroso, Monti published a Report on the future of the Single Market, proposing further measure towards the completion of the EU single market.
There are rumours that Italy will be too big to bail and that Germany and France have had meetings to set up an inner core of european countries. All is flux at the moment. A bit odd to imagine a Europe that doesn't include Italy.
So that's Papandreou and Berlusconi both gone in the last few days and both to be replaced by properly bullshit governments, I think.
Thanks John,
It feels like we're really getting somewhere now doesn't it? There'll have to be a collapse soon surely? Hmm... I should hustle and sell my car before all the money disappears.
Otherwise thanks for the news on Eurogendfor. Good points. And funnily enough it made me think of the City of London and it having its own police force. Ah, to be a banker. You have all the money and you have your own private police force to protect you. How lovely for them.
Hi P2P. Yes there was quite a bit of difficulty passing the treaty from what I remember. People kept giving them the 'wrong' answer so had to keep at it until they came up with the right one. Nice one for the link, I will check that out in a bit. Thanks very much.
Cheers nobody. I don't really know the when, as it's been looking so bad for so long. I thought it would happen years ago but things do seem to be moving fast in Europe at the moment. There's the danger of a domino effect with the money stuff. Collapse of some sort does look like a real possibility at the moment. As I have been watching the slow struggle of the people versus TPTB during the last few years I have got the impression that the people have lost every round so far. Not to be pessimistic, that's just how It seems to me.
Part of the trouble with London is that many of the streets are privately owned, so we are only allowed to be in some places at the discretion of the so called owners ( a bunch of thieving bastards really), as was noticed with the Occupy London Stock Exchange people who soon realised that they wouldn't be able to.
The bankers have their own police as well as control over the mass media and politicians. There's been a massive grab of power which has largely gone unnoticed. All stuff you know I expect, but I'll say it anyway.
As for 'lost every round', I'd say you're right. Certainly there have been hiccups but against a death cult that never quits it's been meaningless.
Still! ...it's a laugh innit?
Well, you may as well do.
Actually here's a thought - imagine if Obama's inauguration had been met with nothing but guffaws, a true laugh track? Now there's a scene in a movie I'd like to see. Our hero and his confreres in the press box watching the speech and cat-calling and interjecting, every word a word of truth, and all of them laughing their arses off. That would be a pretty powerful scene. Sure enough the lesson the death cult learnt from Hans Christian Andersen's Emperor's New Clothes is that all children must be banned. And they are. Seen and not heard rules the day.
Ha! My word verification is 'plike'. And I certainly do. How many people will understand that joke? Two? Off I go now.
Well you've got to laugh. That's a scene I'd like to see too nobody. It's a great pity that we don't get to hear more of the voices that could help us. I should think laughing at these psychopaths is a pretty good way to annoy them, but if everybody did it...
It would certainly be less than they deserve, so they should thank us for laughing at their crackpot notions really. It's taking them seriously that seems to lead to problems.
The inauguration seemed an odd spectacle from here, all the symmetry and scale had some strange overtones. Shall I be rude and say it was a bit 'Nuremberg' for my tastes. Still it wasn't designed for my pleasure was it? more of a warning or reminder of power, perhaps to intimidate.
I wonder how many people present at the inauguration thought 'Bloody hell. What a load of crap you have to put up with to get on in the world.'
Mario Monti is being described by the BBC as a technocrat. The technocracy movement was quite big in America in the very early thirties but was rejected because, according to wiki, "The authoritarian, elitist, and even fascist overtones of the technocracy movement undermined its popular appeal as a political movement"
Hey John, well I shall have to go and look up Mario Monti since he doesn't ring any bells.
But I thought you might be interested in this. P sent it to me - really quite gorgeous. Meanwhile back in Oz starlings are a plague bird, ruining crops and driving off the natives. But still, here they are lovely.
Mario Monti, right. New PM of Italy. Perhaps 'technocrat' is a word they've grabbed to save them having to write 'charisma-less gnome'? Mind you, I really have no idea. Best I can make out is that Rupes thinks he's the right stuff. Which in all likelihood would force me to conclude that he's the very opposite. Oh well, never mind.
back again.
Mario Monti shouldn't ring any bells nobody. That they would grab a word like technocrat would be a good possibility but I've just checked the news and it says "Monti unveils technocratic cabinet for Italy" which doesn't include any elected politicians. Ruperts endorsements aren't usually ones I would go for.
The starlings really are fantastic nobody and what a beautiful piece of footage of them too, very nice. There's plenty of beauty in nature, which is always worth reminding ourselves of. Lovely.
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